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Santa Rosa Advanced Marimba Honor Band


Friday, May 3, 2024 @ 4:30 p.m.
Berger Center. Theater Seating. Free show.
Donations accepted. Light refreshments.

Not your typical school band! Giant instruments, earth shaking sounds, and virtuosic playing combine in a musical program that Santa Rosa elementary and middle school students just can’t wait to share.

Be prepared to applaud the nose-to-the-grindstone work ethic that this young group embraces. It’s win-win though. Extra practice time outside of school hours not only perfects their craft, but also builds lasting musical friendships.

Student musicians offer Oakmont a culturally diverse selection of tunes, from Zimbabwean to Mexican, from original songs written for kids in the US, to Irish music. And did you know that they already have the ability to improvise? Each performance is unique as students reach for melodies and variations, on the spot.

Irene Gilchriese, band leader, recently joined the Green Music Center Board of Advisors after having a partnership with the Center for the past 7 years. During that time, her love for the marimba began. She currently teaches music and marimba at five Santa Rosa schools for students in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades, including three Oakmont grandchildren. Learn more by visiting

In Guatemala, the word marimba means “the wood that sings” – a type of xylophone with resonators underneath the different-sized wooden keys which are struck with mallets. While popular in folk music for centuries, it wasn’t until the 1940s that marimbas regularly became part of classical orchestras. It is the national instrument of Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Mexico.

Come share in the enthusiasm of this talented group. You’re sure to walk away energized by the infectious zest of youth. And don’t forget to check out the specialized Zimbabwean style instruments, made from padauk, a brilliant red hardwood from Africa.

Listen (click to play)